Notícias » International Webinar Citizen Science for Odour Monitoring in the Waste and Water Sectors April 27 Online Data: 2021-04-27

International Webinar Citizen Science for Odour Monitoring in the Waste and Water Sectors April 27 Online

INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR Citizen Science for Odour Monitoring in the Waste and Water Sectors | April 27th | Online
09.30h - 13.15h (Lisbon time) | 10.30h - 14.15h (CET)

The first webinar of the D-Noses project, promoted by APEA, took place in the morning of next April 27, 2021.
This webinar was dedicated to citizen science for odour monitoring in the water and waste sectors.

Programme (Lisbon time)

09.30h - 09.40h Opening session

  • 09.30h - 09.40h Welcome Session, Pedro Fonseca Santos, APEA (Portugal)

09.40h - 10.10h Session I: Best practices of odour management in the waste and wastewater sectors
Moderation: Luís Marinheiro, APEA (Portugal)

  • 09.40h - 09.50h From trash to biodiversity, The evolution of odour management at LIPOR - Case study, Fernando Leite, LIPOR (Portugal) | PRESENTATION 
  • 09.50h - 10.00h Case study of Wastewater Treatment Plant of Alcântara – Lisbon, Hugo Xambre, Águas do Tejo Atlântico (Portugal) | PRESENTATION
  • 10.00h - 10.10h Q&A session

10.10h - 11.00h Session II: The D-NOSES Project

  • 10.10h- 10.30h Citizen Science for monitoring odour pollution, Rosa Arias, D-NOSES Coordinator (Spain) | PRESENTATION
    10.30h - 11.00h Interactive exercise: What are the advantages of the D-NOSES methodology for an improved odour management in your daily operation? Let’s find out!

11.00h - 11.05h Short energizer

11.05h - 12.00h Session III: The D-NOSES Pilots in the waste and waste water treatment sector
Moderation: Pedro Santos, APEA (Portugal)

  • 11.05h - 11.15h The Italian Pilot, Laura Capelli, POLIMI (Italy) | PRESENTATION
  • 11.15h - 11.25h The Chilean Pilot, Gerhard Schleenstein, Ecotec (Chile) | PRESENTATION
  • 11.25h - 11.35h The Barcelona Pilot, Rosa Arias, D-NOSES Coordinator (Spain) | PRESENTATION
  • 11.35h - 11.55h Q&A Session

11.55h - 12.20h Session IV: The International Odour Observatory

  • 11.55h 12.20h Louise Francis, Mapping for Change (UK) | PRESENTATION
    Short presentation or navigation through the OO, introduction to community maps (regulations, affected communities) + interactive exercise for co-creation

12.20h - 13.00h Industry and policy roundtable: moving the methodology to practice 
Moderation: Rosa Arias, D-NOSES Coordinator (Spain)

  • Luísa Magalhães, Smart Waste Portugal (Portugal)
  • Sara Antunes, Diretora de Engenharia e Operação da AdP Valor - Grupo Águas de Portugal (Portugal)
  • Peter Setenda, Environmental Officer of Kampala Capital City Authority (Uganda)
  • Luís Marinheiro, APEA (D-NOSES partner, Portugal)

13.00h - 13.15h Closing session

  • Inês dos Santos Costa, Secretary of State for the Environment (Portugal)
  • Sérgio Carmo Fonseca, Member of the APEA Board (Portugal)

D-Noses is a H2020 funded project empowering citizens and engaging them in civic action to tackle odour pollution, by promoting engagement and participatory strategies through citizen science. More information and
