Notícias » XIV CNEA - ODOURS 19 Data: 2019-05-17
XIV CNEA - Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente
ODOURS 19 - International Conference on Odours
16th - 17th May 2019, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Este evento terá tradução simultânea Inglês - Português e irá decorrer no Departamento de Ambiente e Ordenamento da Universidade de Aveiro, no Auditório Carlos Borrego. Pode DESCARREGAR AQUI o mapa do Campus da Universidade de Aveiro.
This event will have simultaneous English - Portuguese translation and will take place in the Department of Environment and Planning of University of Aveiro, at Carlos Borrego Auditorium. You can DOWNLOAD HERE the Map of the Campus of University of Aveiro.
08h30 - 09h15 - Registration of participants
09h15 - 10h00 - Opening Session
- Paulo Jorge Ferreira, Rector of the University of Aveiro
Ana Isabel Miranda, Director of the Environment and Planning Department of the University of Aveiro
Carlos Borrego, President of the Scientific Committee of XIV CNEA - ODOURS 19, University of Aveiro
Pedro Fonseca Santos, President of the Organizing Committee, APEA
Moderation: Myriam Lopes, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
- Odour Nuisance: from assessment to solution
Carlos Borrego, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
The D-NOSES Project: an innovative bottom-up approach based on citizen science for improved odour pollution management- Rosa Arias, Fundación Ibercivis (Spain)
The Odour Observatory as an informative tool for citizens: overview of odour impact assessment methods
Laura Capelli, Politecnico de Milano (Italy)
11h30 - 12h00 Coffee-Break
Moderation: Ana Isabel Miranda, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
- What about a single odour emission limit for any kind of activity?
- Carlos Diaz, AMIGO - Asociación Medioambiental Internacional de Gestores del Olor (Spain)
- IGAMAOT's activities in the area of odours - public participation and lack of legislation
- Nuno Banza, IGAMAOT - Inspeção-Geral da Agricultura, do Mar, do Ambiente e do Ordenamento Território (Portugal)
13h00 - 14h30 Lunch
Moderation: Rosa Arias, Fundación Ibercivis (Spain)
- Participatory Tools for Citizen Engagement in Odour Pollution Monitoring
- Louise Francis, Mapping for Change (United Kingdom)
- Measurement of odours or odorants at emission sites: how to choose the best appropriate method?
- Jean-Michell Guillot, IMT Mines Ales, (France)
- Odor nuisance in the vicinity of a petrochemical industrial complex
- Miguel Coutinho, IDAD - Institut of Environment and Development (Portugal)
Strategies Concerning Odour Issues- Ricardo Rodrigues, LCM Iberia (Portugal)
16h30 - 17h00 Coffee-Break
Moderation: Carlos Diaz, AMIGO (Spain)
- A comparative analysis of physical/chemical and biological technologies for odour abatement
- Raúl Muñoz, University of Valladolid (Spain)
- Odour treatment at Portuguese waste and wastewater management sectors - challenges and opportunities
- Luís Marinheiro, APEA (Portugal)
18h00 - 19h00 Interactive Session (D-NOSES Project)
09h15 - 11h00 Sectorial Workshop - ODOUR MANAGEMENT IN WATER SECTOR
Moderation: Paulo Nunes, APEA, Adventech (Portugal)
- Management of odours from sewerage systems in Doha: Phase 1
- Speakers: Nasser Refaan S B Al-Yami (Ashghal, Qatar), Rajesh Kumar R. (Stantec UK Ltd, Qatar)
- Co-authors: Nick Jones (Odournet, United Kingdom), Nélson Vieira, José Ferreira (DouroECI, Portugal)
The conversion of chemical scrubbers into biotrickling filters - a case study in the Portuguese water sector- Speaker: Inês Baptista (WeDoTech, Lda., Portugal)
Co-authors: Ruben Jorge (WeDoTech, Lda., Portugal), Isabel Saraiva (EFACEC – Engenharia e Sistemas, S.A., Portugal) - Best practices in Odour Management - The Case Study of WWTP of Águas do Tejo Atlântico - Grupo Águas de Portugal
- Pedro Álvaro, Águas do Tejo Atlântico - Grupo Águas de Portugal (Portugal)
11h00 - 11h30 Poster Session & Coffee-break
11h30 - 13h00 Sectorial Workshop - ODOUR MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRY
Moderation: Miguel Coutinho, IDAD (Portugal)
- Odour nuisance: an oilseed industry sensorial case study based on human nose perceptions
- Speaker: Sofia Teixeira (DCEA, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal)
- Co-authors: Paulo Pereira, Francisco Ferreira (DCEA, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal)
Approaches for holistic odour impact management- Christoph Mannebeck (Olfasense GmbH, Germany)
- Expert Application of Chemichal Analysis Techniques in the Study and Resolution of Complex Odour Problems
- Daniel Almarcha, Manuel Almarcha (Chempharma Environmental, Spain)
13h00 - 14h30 Lunch
14h30 - 16h30 Sectorial Workshop - ODOUR MANAGEMENT IN WASTE SECTOR
Moderation: Luísa Magalhães (Smart Waste Portugal)
- Performances of classic biofilters in the Portuguese waste management sector – case-studies
- Speaker: Ruben Jorge (WeDoTech, Lda, Portugal)
Co-authors: Inês Baptista (WeDoTech, Lda, Portugal), Ricardo Rodrigues (LCM – Laboratório de Calibração e Medida, Lda, Portugal)
A statistical approach for estimating emissions of odours from a landfill using IOMS- Speaker: Lorenzo Liberti (Politecnico de Bari, Italy)
Co-authors: Federico Cangialosi, Gianluca Intini, Dario Colucci (T&A - Tecnologia e Ambiente, Italy)
Development of a Novel Multi-Parameter Monitoring Tool for Odour Management and Environmental Compliance of Anaerobic Digestion Technology- Speaker: Angela Oliveira (Wales Centre of Excellence for Anaerobic Digestion, United Kingdom)
Co-authors: Zyh S. Chong, Tim Patterson, James Reed, Philemon J. Kumi, Sandra Esteves (Wales Centre of Excellence for Anaerobic Digestion, United Kingdom)
Best practices in Odour Management - The Case Study of Composting Plant of LIPOR- Paula Morgado (Hidurbe, Portugal)
16h30 - 16h45 Closing Session
- Ana Isabel Miranda, Director of the Environment and Planning Department of the University of Aveiro
Pedro Fonseca Santos, President of the Organizing Committee, APEA
16th May (XIV CNEA - ODOURS 19):
- 50€ (APEA non-members)
25€ (APEA members)
17th May (Sectorial Workshops):
- 170€ (APEA non-members)
110€ (APEA members)
100€ (APEA non-members students)
60€ (APEA students members)
130€ (Partners - APAI, APESB, PPA, RNAE, Smart Waste Portugal & Ordem dos Engenheiros members)
16th – 17th May:
- 200€ (APEA non-members)
125€ (APEA members)
120€ (APEA non-members students)
75€ (APEA students members)
150€ (Partners - APAI, APESB, PPA, RNAE, Smart Waste Portugal & Ordem dos Engenheiros members)
Registrations HERE
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